Most recent edit on 2011-05-23 18:28:12 by GlenRose
Basic information and Event dates can be found on the wiki page as well - MarayongEvents
Edited on 2011-05-23 17:34:49 by MartO
The Queensland Robotic Sports Club is a group of enthusiasts interested in robotic sports, particularly combat robotics. We are running Featherweight and Antweight classes on a regular basis.
Insert arena pictures here
For more info see∞
The Queensland Robotic Sports Club is *add stuff here*
Edited on 2011-05-23 16:31:05 by GlenRose
Based in Victoria Robowars runs events in the purpose built featherweight arena located at the Sidetracked entertainment center. *add stuff please*
The NSW robot fighting club holds regular events at the featherweight arena in Marayong and now has a transportable antweight arena. NSWRFC runs All active classes, Featherweight, Beetleweight and Antweight. Visit the site for further details. NSWRFC∞
The Queensland Robotic Sports Club is *add stuff here*
Edited on 2011-05-23 16:26:28 by GlenRose
No differences.
Oldest known version of this page was edited on 2011-05-11 20:57:39 by KnightrousOxide []
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Robot Clubs
There are several groups within Australia regularly holding robot combat events. For the latest information please see the
forum announcements or state specific section∞