RoboWars Australia Wiki : RoboWars6

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RoboWars 6

A two day event.
17/18 January 2009 at SideTracked Entertainment Centre.

Start time time 11am?

Special Events
- The Wacky Races
- Exhibition Robots

Please update this page with the details for your Bot if you are planning on entering at the RoboWars 6 Event.
note that the previous RoboWars entry list can be found here - if you want to recover details, photo-links etc from there for inclusion here.

Note that *ALL* Robots that operate from a Radio Transmitter must be registered here, wth their frequency, even if they are "Demo" (Non Competing) Bots. For non-competing bots, use the section at the bottom.

Featherweight Competing Robots Entry List

Entry#Bot NameTeam NameStateFrequencyBot PageImage
#1Inspector GeneralTechno-MagicVIC75.510MhzInspectorGeneral
#26x7Team NMOVICSpektrumBot Page
#3b&wTeam NMOVICSpektrumBot Page
#4Orbit EvilutionUnconventional RoboticsNSWSpektrumBot Page
#5King CobraDemon roboticsNSWSpektrum 2.4GHzKing Cobra
#6DemonDemon roboticsNSWSpektrum 2.4GHzDemon
#7StainlessSteelRatKronosVICSpektrum 2.4GHzBot PageImage
#8BadgerKronosVICSpektrum 2.4GHzBot PageImage
#9BenderRotwangVICSpektrum 2.4GHzBot PageImage
#10MiniMowerRotwangVICSpektrum 2.4GHzBot PageImage
#11SkeletorRotwangVICSpektrum 2.4GHzBot PageImage
#12MBXISRQLDSpektrum 2.4GHzMBX
#13PhillipaTeam SWMVIC36mhzBot PageImage
#14RhinoTeam NETVICSpektrumBot PageImage
#15PuncturerTeam AJWVICSpektrumBot PageImage
#16Tactical StrikeTeam KOVIC2.4ghzBot PageImage
#17plastique 2Team NETVIC2.4ghzBot PageImage

Lightweight Competing Class Robots

Entry#Bot NameTeam NameStateFrequencyBot PageImage

Exhibition Class Robots

Entry#Bot NameTeam NameStateFrequencyBot PageImage
#1RAWTeam NMOVICSpektrumBot Page
#1WhiplashTeam ShredVIC27.255 and 29.905Bot Pageimage
#3Bane1TeamRotwangVICSpektrum 2.4GHzbot pagebot image
#4Bane2TeamRotwangVICSpektrum 2.4GHzbot pagebot image
#3ArenaSweaperTeamRotwangVIC72.310bot pagebot image

Enter the following code above the </table> tag and below the last </tr> when editing this page:

<td>Entry#</td><td>botname</td><td>team name</td><td>state</td><td>bot frequency</td><td>bot page</td><td>bot image</td></tr>

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