Team: Team Electromaniac (Formally Team BHM)
Builder: Michael Rutkay
Driver: Michael Rutkay
Experience: First robot and first event at RoboWars 2007
Class: FeatherWeight
Chassis/Armour: Wood (MDF)
Weapon: Brute Force
Drive: 4 x 14.4V XU-1 Drill motors @ 24V
Radio + Freq: Spectrum DX-6 2.4 GHz
Controller: RoboWars IBC
Batteries: 4 x 2.2Ah 12V SLA batteries
Combat Record: 2 Wins/2 Losses
Last Event: RoboWars 2007
Achievements: Travelled all the way from Perth, Western Australia.
Extra Notes: Battle Stratergy is to break gearboxes & motors. Hopefully I wont break mine.
Build Report: http://www.robowars.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=955∞
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